
Heads vs Tails


Total ETH bet


Chat Rules

For the time being, the chatroom is English-only. We may provide regional rooms if there is demand.

Engaging in the following may result in deletion of your message, a timed mute, or a ban:

  • 1) Spamming
  • 2) Impersonating staff
  • 3) Begging for money or perks
  • 4) Harassment of other users
  • 5) Hateful conduct
  • 6) Sharing personal information
  • 7) Sharing or attempting to share non-whitelisted links
  • 8) Discussing other betting platforms
  • 9) Discussing politics or religion
  • 10) Advertising any products or services
  • 11) Mute or ban evasion

Participating in Coinduel's chat constitutes an implied agreement to abide by the rules.
Moderation decisions are at the discretion of the acting staff and are not guaranteed to be appealable.